Entries by Colette Sartor

Congratulations to Our 2020 TV Fellow, Kelly Strathmore!

We’re thrilled to introduce our 2020 CineStory TV Fellow, Kelly Strathmore, whose winning original comedy script, EAST PALO ALTO, impressed us with its unique voice and quirky, vibrant characters whose antics are well worth following into a full series. As this year’s Fellow, Kelly will receive $1,000, free tuition and housing for this year’s TV […]

2019 Feature Fellow Kerry Kolbe Receives UCLA Extension Award

Congratulations to Kerry Kolbe, our 2019 Feature Fellow, whose fellowship winning script, SWALLOW, won second prize in the Feature Film category of the prestigious UCLA Extension Feature Film and Television Writing Awards. The UCLA Extension Feature Film and Television Writing Awards provides winners with one-on-one mentorship as well as entertainment industry exposure. For more information […]

Congratulations, 2020 TV Division Winners!

We’re pleased to announce the division winners of our 2020 TV Retreat and Fellowship competition. The first place winner of each division is now in the running for this year’s TV Fellowship, which includes a $1,000 cash prize, free tuition and housing for this year’s TV retreat, and a 12-month mentorship with 2 Hollywood professionals […]

Our Regular Feature Deadline Is Fast Approaching!

The regular submission deadline for our 2020 Feature Retreat & Fellowship competition is fast approaching on Sunday, February 9th. Until February 9th, the submission fee is $70. After that, the submission fee is $80 until March 15th (late deadline), then $85 until April 19th (extended late deadline). Entering the contest is the only way to […]

Congratulations, 2020 Original Children/Family TV Division Winners!

This year, we added several new divisions to our TV Retreat and Fellowship Competition. One of those new divisions is the Children/Family Division, which includes pilots for television series aimed at kids and/or children and/or families that contains appropriate content for younger viewers & families. The first place winner of the Children/Family Division will be […]

Congratulations to Our 2020 TV Division Finalists!

We’re pleased to announce the Original Drama, Comedy, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, and Children/Family division finalists for our 2020 TV Retreat & Fellowship Contest! WHAT HAPPENS NEXT Division finalists will now be judged to determine division winners, who will advance to another judging round to determine the 2020 TV Fellow. The finalists also will be invited to attend […]

Congratulations to our 2020 TV Semifinalists & Finalists!

We’re pleased to announce the Original Drama, Comedy, and Sci-Fi/Fantasy division semifinalists and the Original Children/Family division finalists for our 2020 TV Retreat & Fellowship Contest! WHAT HAPPENS NEXT Semifinalists in the Original Drama, Comedy, and Sci-Fi/Fantasy divisions now advance to the finalist round, after which there will be another round of judging to determine […]

2020 Feature Retreat & Fellowship Contest is Open

We are officially accepting submissions for our 2020 Feature Retreat & Fellowship Competition! Send us your best work for the opportunity to attend the retreat and win the Feature Fellowship, which includes a one year mentorship with two entertainment industry professionals and a $10,000 award! THIS YEAR’S RETREAT This year’s retreat takes place October 17th […]

Congratulations to Our 2020 TV Division Quarterfinalists & Semifinalists

We’re pleased to announce the Original Drama, Comedy, and Sci-Fi/Fantasy division quarterfinalists and the Original Children/Family division semifinalists for our 2020 TV Retreat & Fellowship Contest! NEW DIVISIONS This year, we introduced new divisions to the TV Contest, which now includes Original Drama Pilots (1 hr), Original Comedy Pilots (30 min), Original SciFi/Fantasy Pilots (1 […]

Congratulations to Our 2020 TV Division Quarterfinalists & Semifinalists

We’re pleased to announce the Original Drama, Comedy, and Sci-Fi/Fantasy division quarterfinalists and the Original Children/Family division semifinalists for our 2020 TV Retreat & Fellowship Contest! NEW DIVISIONS This year, we introduced new divisions to the TV Contest, which now includes Original Drama Pilots (1 hr), Original Comedy Pilots (30 min), Original SciFi/Fantasy Pilots (1 […]