Tag Archive for: Mentorship

And Our 2021 TV Contest Division Winners Are…

We’re pleased to announce the division winners of our 2021 TV Retreat and Fellowship competition. The first place winner of each division is now in the running for this year’s TV Fellowship, which includes a $1,000 cash prize, free tuition for this year’s virtual TV retreat, and a 12-month mentorship with 2 Hollywood professionals hand-picked […]

2021 Feature Contest is Open for Submissions

We’re officially accepting submissions for our 2021 Feature Retreat & Fellowship Competition, and we’re offering an early bird submission rate of $50 that’s good until January 18th! WHAT YOU COULD WIN Entering the contest is the only way to be in the running to attend our feature retreat. Winners, finalists, and semifinalists are invited to […]

Last Day to Submit to Our 2021 TV Contest

The final submission deadline for our 2021 TV Retreat & Fellowship Contest is fast approaching on MONDAY, OCTOBER 26TH! We’re excited to read submissions in all four divisions: original drama, original comedy, original sci-fi/fantasy, and original children/family. Click hereClick here to learn more about our TV contest divisions., QUALIFY TO ATTEND THE RETREAT Entering the […]

2021 TV Contest Deadline Extended!

If you’ve lost track of dates and days of the week during the chaos of the pandemic, you may have missed yesterday’s final October 12th deadline for our 2021 TV Retreat & Fellowship Contest. Never fear – we’ve decided to keep the contest open for submissions until MONDAY, OCTOBER 26TH! QUALIFY TO ATTEND THE RETREAT […]

Austin Film Festival Names TV Fellow Kelly Strathmore on Top 25 Screenwriters To Watch List

Congratulations to our 2020 TV Fellow, Kelly Strathmore, named by Austin Film Festival as one of its top 25 Screenwriters to Watch in 2020! The list includes “a roster of promising and innovative voices, featuring writers from diverse backgrounds, mediums, and points in their careers.” It says of Kelly, “Strathmore’s screenplay East Palo Alto was a […]

Last Day to Enter Our 2020 Feature Contest

Today is the final deadline for our 2020 Feature Retreat & Fellowship Contest! QUALIFY TO ATTEND THE RETREAT Entering the contest is the only way to get the chance to attend CineStory’s feature retreat on October 17th – 20th in idyllic Idyllwild, California. Retreat attendees receive three 90-minute one-on-one sessions with CineStory mentors, participate in […]

Less Than A Week Left to Enter Our 2020 Feature Contest!

There’s less than a week left to enter our 2020 Feature Retreat & Fellowship Contest before the final deadline on Sunday, May 10th! QUALIFY TO ATTEND THE RETREAT Entering the contest is the only way to get the chance to attend CineStory’s feature retreat on October 17th – 20th in idyllic Idyllwild, California. Retreat attendees […]

2020 Feature Contest Deadline Extended!

If you’re someone who’s lost track of dates and days of the week while sheltering at home during this pandemic, you may have missed yesterday’s final April 19th deadline for our 2020 Feature Retreat & Fellowship Contest. Never fear – we’ve decided to keep the contest open for submissions until SUNDAY, MAY 10th! QUALIFY TO […]

Last Chance to Submit to Our 2020 Feature Contest!

Stir crazy from sheltering at home? Do something that will make you feel hopeful about the future: submit to our 2020 Feature Retreat & Fellowship Contest before the extended late deadline on April 19th! QUALIFY TO ATTEND THE RETREAT Entering the contest is the only way to get the chance to attend CineStory’s feature retreat […]

2020 TV Retreat Postponed

This morning, California health officials issued directives to help contain the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic. Based on those statements, we have postponed our March 2020 TV retreat until Saturday, August 29 – Tuesday, September 1, 2020. This postponement gives both our country the opportunity to contain the pandemic and retreat participants ample time to make arrangements […]