Meet Our 2024 TV Contest Division Winners

Meet Our 2023 TV Contest Division Winners

Meet Our 2022 TV Contest Division Winners

Congratulations, 2020 Original Children/Family TV Division Winners!

This year, we added several new divisions to our TV Retreat and Fellowship Competition. One of those new divisions is the Children/Family Division, which includes pilots for television series aimed at kids and/or children and/or families that contains appropriate content for younger viewers & families. The first place winner of the Children/Family Division will be […]

Meet Our 2018 Feature Fellowship 2nd & 3rd Place Winners

We are pleased to introduce our second and third place winners in the 2018 Feature Fellowship competition. Avishai Weinberger won second place for his screenplay DRIFT OFF and Belinda Schmid won third place for her screenplay JESSUP CREEK. Congratulations to them both!

Meet Travis Opgenorth, Our 2018 Feature Fellow

We’re thrilled to introduce the 2018 CineStory Feature Fellow, Travis Opgenorth, whose winning screenplay THE POACHER swept us away with its tense, dramatic turns.

And the Winners of the 2018 Feature Fellowship Prizes Are…

We’re pleased to announce the winners of the 2018 Feature Fellowship prizes!